Gallery: Work Examples

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ICCT Curriculum Database
Web app which tracks course curriculum and associated assets with various features. Created with ReactJS and Cloudant database.

FAQs Database
Web app created for ICCT to create and categorize FAQs to use in study jams. Created with ReactJS and Cloudant database.

Course Completion Tracker
Web app which tracks required completion of two specific courses. Can search and export results. Created with ReactJS and Cloudant database.

Yearly Planner
Web app which tracks days off and also includes a manager view where managers can view team members days off. Allows users to export for import into Outlook.

Wintershall DEA
Created various custom Vyond videos on the topic of keeping data organized. Translated into 3 languages.

IBM Cloud Controls Transformation
Created various Vyond videos on the topic of IBM Cloud Policies and Standards.

Translation for Video Player
Using ReactJS, I created customizable captioning for videos. Can use .vtt files as input.

CIC Cross Training site
Created internal site for onboarded employees. I did the development plus some graphics. Html5.

IBM Skills Gateway
Created animated intros and titles for a series of promotional videos. Also, edited music. After Effects and Camtasia.

Course Shell Demo
Course template built with ReactJS, SCORM compliant and responsive.

AA City Codes Game
Created a Who Wants to be a Millionaire type game for American Airlines. Html5 and Javascript.

AA Takeoff Game
Quiz game where you answer questions until your plane takes off (or not.) Html5 and Javascript.

Developed several software simulations for Metlife using Captivate. Required some Javascript as well.

Goldman Sachs
Did voice-overs and edited training videos. Camtasia.

Edited voices, music and images to create training videos and courses for Travel@IBM. Created in Captivate.

AA Training Portal
Portal demo created for AA. Html5 and Javascript.

AI Academy IBM
Web portal for AI Academy. I implemented the Chat for it as well as Bluegroups enrollment and various page updates. Reactjs and Watson Assistant.

AA Spin Game
I created a Spin Game for use in the AA Sora Template. Html5 and Javascript.

AA Sora Template
Html5 based template for eLearning. Provided by AA, but I fixed all the bugs and added new functions. Also created many reusable interactions.

Crossword Puzzle
One of many crosswords I built. Uses a crossword builder tool as input. (Also, did a word search.)

Performance Bonus Simulation
Early Flash app I built at IBM. Lets managers do bonus disbursement simulations.

ART Tool
Managers used it to track projects and employees along with budgets. Could export to Excel and used php and a SQL database. Created in Flash.

IBM Training Template
I was brought in to fix the broken template. It wasn’t navigating correctly and not communicating with the LMS. I also worked on the redesign. We also reskinned for various clients including AA. Built in Flash.

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